Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Chivalrous Virtues

These 12 virtues were the basis of the knightly code of conduct. It was aimed at others, not at making yourself look good. I think it's so interesting that they chose these!

1) Trustworthy | Integritas: a man's word is his bond. Words matter. You mean what you say.

2) Loyal | Fidelitas: you stand by a friend even if they are wrong, even when you don't feel like it.

3) Helpful | Succurrere: be proactive about having resources and skills so that, if and when a need comes, you can pitch in.

4) Friendly | Benevolus: go out of your way to make others feel welcome. It's not about you, it's aimed at them.

5) Courteous | Urbanus: be aware of your surroundings. Do seemingly trivial things for someone else if they matter to that person.

6) Kind | Benignus: "celebrate others."

7) Obedient | Referre: there is an objective standard outside of you as an individual.

8) Cheerful | Hilaris: live in the light of knowing God is in control. Things are okay when they don't appear to be.

9) Thrifty | Frugalis: make most of your time, resources, money, and talent. Don't squander it.

10) Brave | Fortitudo: move forward, even if you fear to do what is right.

11) Clean | Abolere: well, you know.

12) Reverent | Sanctus: admire what is good.


Jon Jon Wesolowski said...

Where is this from? Brilliant!

Leah said...

My classical history professor from high school! Was looking through old lectures. Sigh. He was the beeesssstttt.