I was hungry, but not starved. Walking through the forest, my legs were tired, but I could go on. The air was chilly but not freezing.
Then I passed a house with broken shutters
And would have kept on going but--
A boy outside with brilliant eyes played thoughtfully with nature's toys.
Curiosity slowed me, I thought the colors interesting
Then in stillness, surrounding me, were memories of a million joys.
Stopping let my body feel its longing to rest.
The sweeping scent of food was one I knew that I could not forget.
The air seemed colder now for thought
of the spell a crackling fire brought
Years ago.
I didn't want to be trapped, I had places to see.
What if stopping there meant that I would never leave?
Fingers rested on the knob, debating what to do...
Then vidid flash of poverty, freezing in the snow
Thrown out from inside, the nights of resting warm
When that gnawing pain of hunger made me
Vomit--but never could I die from it--
Only wait in it.
That is why I started moving.
I will not forfeit motion, my saving grace from hell
I've learned to love the chill of morning, fatigue that keeps my legs from stopping.
I'd rather have hunger unrealized than starvation after fill.
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